iTunes UAE

An ITunes Card UAE that gives a world of entertainment. Choose ITunes Card UAE the denomination AED 50, AED 100, AED 250 and AED 500

iTunes UAE secure purchasing

AED 100 iTunes UAE Gift Card
QAR 0.00

AED 250 iTunes UAE Gift Card
QAR 0.00

AED 50 iTunes UAE Gift Card
QAR 0.00

AED 500 iTunes UAE Gift Card
QAR 0.00

iTunes UAE in Qatar
How To Setup A iTunes UAE Account & CHANGE YOUR REGION

How To Setup A ITunes UAE Account Without A UAE Credit Card (Using A UAE Gift Card!)
First, open iTunes (or download it now if you do not have this already) & log out of your iTunes account (if you are already logged in with another account) by clicking Account -> Sign Out.Click Sign In (Account -> Sign In) and then click “Create New Apple ID” at the bottom left. Enter your new account email address and password and set your region to “UAE”, then click Continue.Fill in your personal information and then click Continue.At the payment screen choose “None” for your payment option and put in a random UAE Address and then click continue and follow the prompt,
Now you will have a iTunes UAE Account where you can buy Music, TV Shows, Movies, and more that are on the UAE iTunes Store!

One of the greatest things about iTunes is the ease in which you can change your region to purchase items from other countries! You do not need a credit card from another country to do this and this can be easily done in the iTunes settings and with iTunes cards from another country. Great for overseas customers or for someone who just wants to find something different!

Here are some easy to follow instructions on the iTunes program on the computer:
1) Firstly, open the iTunes program and make sure you are logged into your account (Account -> Sign In)
2) Open your account page (Account -> View My Account) and then click “Change Country or Region”
5) If done correctly, you will now be taken to this iTunes region’s storefront. Now all you need to do is redeem the correct iTunes gift card to purchase from this new storefront!
6) Click Redeem on the far-right side of the screen or you can click Account -> Redeem (at the top of the page) You will then be asked to enter your 16-digit iTunes gift card
7) Once the gift card is redeemed you can now order whatever you would like on this other iTunes region store!